Friday, August 13, 2010

Imaginary Softwoods 7

the best drone song i have ever heard in my life. haze haze ~*HAZE~* link

I can totally see myself fucking some girl to this song. in the middle of a forest. broad daylight, birds are chirping, there is a bear in the background far from his bear home. long branches and leaves to conceal lewd acts.. reminds me of boards of canada's Boards of Canada - A is to Bas B is to C.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Pink Noise

The Pink Noise is a Canadian lo-fi noise/psyc/punk/synth driven + drum machine using group that has been on many labels i'm fond of (Kill Shaman, Sacred Bones, Night People) Here is Alpha EP + If you are feeling more adventurous try the "Dream Code"LP