Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The science of my mind...

Well this was surprising. Came online at midnight to find that I've been offered a position as co-editor of the blog. I guess I could have seen it coming, owing to the fact that I have known Brian for many-a-year.

So what exactly will I be doing here? I guess my primary role is to be going on insightful soliloquys about music that I'm listening to, as well as ranting from time to time about what irks me. Hopefully I'll reach some cadence between the two. On the whole, I'll be contributing with my own take on various new genres like Chillwave and Hardbag and Shitstorm or whatever the youngsters like to invent now.

I'm going to save my rant about musical genres for another day (describe to me in one sentence what the term 'indie' means nowadays - I dare you) but for now, contributing to this blog will be on my immediate agenda.

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