Thursday, July 1, 2010

Semen stains the Mountain Tops

Wasn't that the name of a Captain Pugwash character? Something tells me that it wasn't, although there was that whole fiasco about how they were sneaking subliminal names into the children's TV show. I think, in the end, only Master Bates was in the cartoon, although Roger the Cabin Boy may have shown his delicate head once in a while.

The name of the blog conjures up a few images for me. One is that of the aforementioned salty pirate with a disgusting, degraded name. The other is the film Brokeback Mountain. Probably because a lot of semen was splattered on those lofty peaks.

'Eh. Go and listen to Cymbals Eat Guitars. They explain why there are mountains in the first place. Maybe then we can work out where semen comes into the equation.

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