Thursday, July 1, 2010

Win's Technicolour Dreamcoat

No need to frown, Win. The future is coming on.

So the news has been around for a few days now, but it's been revealed that The Suburbs, the third Arcade Fire LP, will be released in several different colour variants. I think the number stands at eight, now. This is all well and good, but I can't imagine that even die-hard fans will be prepared to go out there and purchase all the different copies. I'll take a dull grey cover, if it's available. It'll go with the overrated sound of Arcade Fire's music. Or maybe I could go for blue. It'd match my eyes.

I kid about Arcade Fire being overrated, by the way. Well, sort of. Funeral was a good album, but I'm not sure that it's deserving of the myriad accolades that have been thrown in its direction. Neon Bible, on the other hand, was far too operatic and menacing for my liking. There was always a sense of optimism in Funeral, despite the subject matter of the album focusing on death, and Neon Bible took a complete turn into moody territory that I didn't appreciate.

That said, a few leaked songs like 'Month of May' and the titular 'The Suburbs' have been quite promising, so hopefully they'll discard that sophomore slump when the new album comes out sometime around August.

Interestingly, sixteen tracks are apparently going to be on the LP. This is far more than the previous albums, suggesting that this will be their longest release yet. Quantity is there, clearly. We'll have to cross our fingers for the quality.

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